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Summarizes the list of models by each polygon. This function makes a call to the summarize_by_poly function for each model in the hsi_models list. This function assembles those results into a single output data frame.


summarize_models(hsi_models, polys, progress = FALSE)



list; A named list of recoded HSI models created using the recode_models function.


sf; A polygons sf object.


logical; TRUE displays a progress bar during processing.


A data frame of model summaries containing the following fields for each model:

  • ID - Polygon unique identifier. Derived from polys' row.names.

  • hu_<model_name> - HSI score mean for the polygon. Model name is derived from the raster data names attribute via names().

  • count_<model_name> - Count of cells for the polygon.

  • acres_<model_name> - Area in acres for the polygon.